ForageTech Perennial Clover/Chicory Seed Mix

Forage Tech Perennial Clover/Chicory Seed Mix

Premium Mix Deer – Elk -Turkey

See planting and maintenance instructions on reverse of bag

Net Weight – 8 lbs


This perennial mix is drought tolerant and will tolerate lower pH’s but will thrive at pH 6.2 or higher with 6.5-7.0 being ideal. Deer, elk and turkey hammer this plot. The clovers and chicory used are all high quality and wildlife tested. We do not use filler clovers in this or any of our mixes. Compare our seed tag on the bag with any other bag on the market. This mix is designed to last 3-5 years or longer with reasonable management including over seeding in the winter, top dress fertilizer in late winter and fall per soil tests and proper mowing. We recommend planting a 30 lb cover crop of oats or wheat at the time you plant your food plot. All seeds are preinoculated.

2 lbs – Plants 1/4 acre – 29.95

4 lbs – Plants 1/2 acre – $42.95

8 lbs – Plants 1 acre – $79.95

Also available in a Partial Sun Mix – Still needs 3-4 hours direct sunlight per day. Prices are the same. Check out the Learning Center for more information on planting and maintaining perennial food plots.